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All Populated Places in Scott County Illinois

The best online index for all the kinds of places that appear on maps in the United States is an online database maintained by the federal government's United States Geodetic Survey. This organization is usually referred to as USGS and the database is called GNIS. Many genealogists use it frequently to find places and to determine their location, including the proper county. The following index is for all populated places listed in GNIS as being within Grainger County and includes the name, the latitude and longitude, and the name of the standard topographical map from USGS upon which it is shown. The place name in this list has been made into a link that will take you to more information, including various types of maps showing the location. Any places that no longer exist are identifed with (historical). You can look up items in GNIS for yourself at:

If you have corrections or additions for this list, or if you have similar information you would like to make available online but just don't have the place or the expertise, please contact the County Coordinator at: [email protected].

Name of the place Latitude Longitude USGS 7.5' Map Elevation
Alsey 393338N 0902602W Alsey 630
Bloomfield 393907N 0903322W Florence 449
Bluffs 394507N 0903206W Meredosia 469
Bridgeport (historical) 393130N 0903445W Bedford 436
Columbus (historical) 394550N 0903615W Meredosia 446
Exeter 394315N 0902947W Winchester 551
Geneva (historical) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Glasgow 393302N 0902848W Alsey 584
Manchester 393232N 0901956W Manchester 686
Merritt 394252N 0902457W Winchester 600
Naples 394526N 0903626W Meredosia 440
Oxville 394217N 0903340W Florence 466
Riggston 394143N 0902523W Winchester 600
Winchester 393747N 0902722W Winchester 541

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Note: Links to external web sites are provided as a convenience; they do not constitute an endorsement of any products, services or opinions you might find there.

County Coordinator
New Coordinator Needed
Illinois State Coordinator
Deb Haines

Copyright 2005, 2010; This page was last modified 1 October 2009.
Send any questions, suggestions, or comments to the Scott County Coordinator (Vacant at present).