USGenWeb Scott County Genealogy Illinois GenWeb
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Scott County Illinois Map from Google

This page uses a new mapping service from Google I'm trying out, assisted by a very nice map creation wizard by Jason Ferguson. If this works well, watch for it to show up also on the cemetery page with each county cemetery pinpointed. Note that you can slide the map around by dragging with your left mouse button. You can also move in closer or further away with the "+" and "-" or slider bar and you can also look at the county from a satellite perspective. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

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Note: Links to external web sites are provided as a convenience; they do not constitute an endorsement of any products, services or opinions you might find there.

County Coordinator
New Coordinator Needed
Illinois State Coordinator
Deb Haines

Copyright 2005, 2010; This page was last modified 1 October 2009.
Send any questions, suggestions, or comments to the Scott County Coordinator (Vacant at present).